• School of Education
  • Master's Programs
  • Educational Technology, MA
  • Federal financial aid, state, 和大学资源可以作为资金提供给新入学的和现有的USF教育学院的学生.

    In order to offset the cost of graduate education tuition, 许多教育学院的课程在下午晚些时候和晚上开设, and/or on alternating weekends. 大多数学生发现他们可以在获得证书的同时保持一份全职工作, master’s or doctoral degree with a few exceptions. However, if your program requires you to spend time in a classroom (e.g. student teaching) or to complete a fieldwork or traineeship experience, such commitments will interfere with a normal workday. Please consult your intended program of study for more information.


    USF Resources

    以下奖学金适用于所有南佛罗里达大学教育学院的硕士或博士研究生. 申请人必须符合奖学金描述中列出的资格要求.

    Admission Scholarships

    被录取的学生可以获得奖学金,以支付他们项目第一年三到六个学分的学费*. 所有被录取的学生都将自动获得奖学金,无需额外申请. Scholarship recipients will be notified at the time of admission.
    *奖学金包括国有企业普通奖学金的捐赠, Oricello, Winberry, Oaks and Yellow Ribbon.

    Social Justice Scholarship

    该奖学金项目旨在表彰和鼓励USF教育学院的学生,他们是或寻求成为学校变革推动者, professions and communities. 该奖学金颁发给任何教育学院的研究生,他们在学校和社区的公平条件方面表现出杰出的奉献精神和远见, domestically and internationally. Selected students can receive up to three credits of tuition.*

    社会正义奖学金向参加山顶校区项目的申请人开放, at USF's additional locations, and online. 过去的奖学金获得者有资格再次申请未来的奖学金, 但尚未获得奖学金(符合标准)的学生将优先考虑。. Newly admitted students are not eligible for this scholarship.

    Student must demonstrate:

    • previous and/or current experience in community service and engagement
    • 致力于与边缘化青年、学校和/或社区发展伙伴关系
    • 与边缘化和社会正义问题有关的个人和专业背景
    • financial need

    Application Process
    Submit online application

    Application Deadlines
    Application, 成绩单和论文必须在以下日期之前收到,才能在相应的学期中考虑
    Intersession and Spring: November 30
    Summer: March 30
    Fall: April 30th


    Graduate Assistantships

    教育学院每学年颁发一些研究生助教奖学金, 允许学生在研究领域与教师导师一起工作, teaching or professional development. 被选中的学生每个财政年度将按小时支付200小时(时间必须在5月20日之前使用)。.* Graduate assistantships open to continuing students only; newly admitted students are not eligible to apply.

    The proposed project must have a strong mentorship component, so that students are able to strengthen their research, teaching or professional skills.

    Application Process

    • 教育学院全职教师选择与他们一起工作的学生
    • Faculty Mentor completes online Faculty Application
    • Student completes online Student Application
    • Application Deadlines
      Application, 成绩单和论文必须在以下日期之前收到,才能在相应的学期中考虑
      Intersession and Spring: November 30
      Summer: March 30
      Fall: April 30


    The Conference Presentation Stipend

    所有在校的教育学院硕士生和博士生都有资格申请会议演讲津贴,以帮助支付会议费用. 申请将由申请人所在系的系主任和教员进行审核.

    Applicants must have been officially accepted to present (e.g. individual presentation, panel presentation, 在与他们的研究领域相关的专业-国家或国际会议上的海报展示. Special Status students are not eligible to apply.

    The Conference Presentation Stipend:

    • 只能用于支付与会议有关的费用,如差旅费/交通费, registration, accommodations and/or printing/duplicating costs
    • 在提交了所有报销费用的收据后,作为报销(正本收据必须在会议结束后立即提交给SOE院长办公室)。
    • can fund a student for only one conference per term, 根据会议日期确定(第一期:1月至7月/第二期:8月至12月)

    The Conference Presentation Stipend cannot exceed $200 per term.

    有兴趣的学生应在收到会议录取通知书后立即申请. To apply, fill out the Conference Presentation Stipend form, 可在SOE院长办公室和部门项目助理. Contact your Department Program Assistant for more information.

    Fellowship for African Students

    The Fellowship for African Students will provide up to $7,500 for a Kenyan student in any SOE program.


    Priority consideration will be given to students admitted from Kenya. If there are no students admitted from Kenya, students from other countries within Africa are eligible to apply.

    School of Education Undocumented Student Scholarship

    教育学院很高兴为就读于任何教育学院项目(山顶校区或地区校区)的新入学和当前无证和有身份证明的学生提供经济支持。. 为了表彰我们许多无证学生为社会变革所做的努力, the scholarship responds to the social, 文化和政治压力,无证和移民学生面临的压力. Awards will be given in the amount of up to $5,000 dollars.

    Application Process

    Interested applicants must complete the 在线申请教育学院无证学生奖学金. Applications will be reviewed on a continuous basis. 我们的委员会力求在提交申请后四周内作出决定. 您的申请将由一组教育学院的教职员工进行审查,他们致力于支持无证和有身份证明的学生. 您的申请将以最谨慎和保密的方式处理.

    If you have any questions about the application, please contact Lisa Klope, Associate Director of Admission of Outreach, at lklope@denofthievesla.com.

    Eligibility Requirements

    • Undocumented or DACAmented student
    • 任何教育学院项目(山顶校区或地区校区)的新生或在校生
    • 有经济需要的候选人将优先考虑,但所有人都将被考虑
    • 积极从事教育宣传工作的申请者将被优先考虑, immigrant rights, or other work related to supporting undocumented students