• School of Education
  • Master's Programs
  • Teaching Reading Master's Program with Credential, MA
  • 多学科和单科实习计划帮助当地地区寻找和准备合格的教师担任K-12教学职位.

    USF partners with public school districts that want to assign interns to teaching positions. 实习生必须承担由在线博彩平台。加州教师资格认证委员会批准的多学科和单学科资格认证项目授权的所有教师职能.

    Locating Intern Teaching Jobs

    In order to qualify for the Teaching Internship program, you must have a written commitment for employment from a school district. 教师教育部门不积极为现有和潜在的实习生候选人寻找职位. 虽然教育部仍与学区保持密切联系,并代表候选人大力倡导, it does not assume responsibility for intern placement. That responsibility lies with candidates themselves. When looking for jobs, 值得注意的是,地区通常不会在招聘广告中写明“实习职位”." Rather, they ask for qualified, credentialed candidates. If you apply for a position that asks for a "teaching credential,“学区将决定他们是否可以用持有实习证书的人来填补这个职位,或者他们是否需要一个有初步或明确证书的人.

    Obtaining an Intern Credential

    Before seeking an intern position, it is recommended that candidates verify their qualification for intern status. 在申请就业之前(如果您不是在读学生,则可以申请USF的证书课程),候选人必须:

    • Possess a B.A. or B.S. from a regionally accredited institution;
    • Hold passing CBEST scores or passing Multiple Subject CSET Writing Exam scores;
    • 通过我们的证书分析师的成绩单评估或通过考试来验证主题能力 CSET exam(s);
    • Obtain CTC Certificate of Clearance (fingerprint clearance) or provide a photocopy of prior California credential or permit;
    • Verify current TB testing with negative results; must be within past year (varies by district - some may require more current results);
    • Meet the U.S. Constitution requirement.

    实习清单提供了关于遵守CTC规定的实习证书要求的指导. It includes advice on who to contact at USF for assistance.

    Internship Checklist

    Download the pdf version of the internship checklist here

    Note: 您必须同时受雇于公立学区,并在加州教师资格认证委员会批准的大学实习计划中注册,以获得实习证书.

    After downloading the internship checklist and reviewing it, please e-mail teachered@denofthievesla.com 如果您需要帮助,请致电(415)422-6481与教师教育部门项目助理联系.


    • Two years to a credential plus a master's degree;
    • Earn a full-time teacher's salary while you learn;
    • Evening and weekend courses designed to meet the working professional's needs;
    • On-the-job support and mentoring:
      我们与学区的持续合作包括由大学聘请的主管定期进行监督访问,监督实习生的表现,以满足学区的教学和服务需求. 辅导支持也经由地区指派的地区雇用顾问提供给实习生. 大学主管在访问期间与网站管理员和导师/顾问进行磋商. Each semester a group consultation is conducted that may include the intern/candidate, university supervisor, district administrator and district advisor/mentor in an evaluative process.
    • 如果符合以下条件,进入教师教育或特殊教育项目的员工有资格享受折扣学费:
      • candidates are currently employed as paraprofessionals, emergency-credentialed teachers, 或长期代课教师,希望申请我们的任何初级教师资格证书和硕士课程(MAT), MATR, UESJ and Special ED)
      • 在同一年的USF项目注册期间,候选人将继续被雇用(或成为实习生), and
      • candidates plan to teach in SFUSD for at least 3 years thereafter.
      • Note: Students are only eligible for one type of reduced tuition, e.g. 获得SFUSD员工折扣率的学生没有资格获得天主教教育工作者学费减免率.

        For more information, contact teachered@denofthievesla.com


    If you are not a current USF credential candidate, 你必须申请进入USF教育学院和教师教育证书课程.  请注意,尽早申请证书课程以确保您在课程中的位置非常重要.

    If, however, you are offered a job after the USF admissions deadlines have passed, please e-mail teachered@denofthievesla.com and let us know of your situation. 一定要注明是哪个地区给你提供了工作机会,以及该部门应该向谁咨询有关该职位的问题,以豁免延迟入学.

    Financial Aid

    See the information in our Financial Aid Information pages.


    When looking for a teaching job, it is best to start with the EdJoin website, www.edjoin.org, to determine where you would like to work and what positions may still be available. While you can apply for jobs on the EdJoin website, most districts near USF prefer that you apply directly on their own web sites (see below).

    USF Career Services Center

    You may also want to check with the USF Career Services Center for job postings. The Center keeps lists of both public and private school openings. For more information, contact http://myusf.denofthievesla.com/career-services  or (415) 422-6216.

    San Francisco Unified School District

    Go to the SFUSD site at www.sfusd.edu and click on the "Career Opportunities" tab. Be prepared to provide your résumé, a philosophy statement, and a sample lesson plan.

    Oakland Unified School District

    Go to the Oakland USF web site at www.ousd.k12.ca.us and click on the "Career Opportunities" choice in the navigation bar on the left.

    Early Completion Internship Option


    ECO是指英语多学科教学证书和单学科教学证书, Mathematics, and Science. Candidates must meet all of the following requirements to be eligible. For further information, please contact teachered@denofthievesla.com or (415) 422-6481.


    1. 官方成绩单上公布的认可高等教育机构的学士学位或更高学位.
    2. Employment verification: A current contract or letter indicating an offer of employment (at least .60 FTE or 3 classes) in a public school district. You must be the teacher of record, not a substitute.*
    3. 通过加州基础教育技能测试(CBEST)或基本技能要求的报告副本.
    4. Verification of subject matter competency:
      1.  Multiple Subjects: Pass CSET exams
      2.  Single Subject: Pass CSET exams or Commission – approve subject matter waiver

    Score reports can be ordered through the Pearson website.

    1. 成功完成在教育环境中使用计算机的基础技能课程-或-通过CSET:初级教育测试(PET).
    2. Pass ONE of the following assessments:
      1.  国家专业知识评估系列(NES):多科考生初级(考试代码051),单科考生中级(考试代码052)
      2.  教学基础考试(TFE) -在2013年7月之前完成(必须在参加考试后的五年内用于认证)
    3. Pass the Teaching Performance Assessment (TPA) – you must pass all four sections of the TPA on the FIRST attempt in order to be eligible for the Early Completion Internship Option. If you do not pass on your first attempt, you will be required to complete the full teacher preparation program.
    4. Pass the Reading Instruction Competence Assessment (RICA) – for Multiple Subjects candidates only.
    5. Completion of the U.S. Constitution requirement.
      1.  Have the USF Credential Analyst (ED 033) review your transcript for a course that may qualify.
      2.  Take a CTC approved course or exam. The USF constitution exam is available online.

    您可以致电(415)422-2117或与我们的证书分析师联系,查看成绩单或在线考试信息 credentialanalyst@denofthievesla.com.

    1. Professional Fitness through:
      1.  Fingerprint clearance. CCTC website.
      2.  Verification of a current TB test showing negative results; must be within past 2 years.

      You can access a copy of your Certificate of Clearance or emergency substitute permit from the CCTC website.

    2. 申请和进入ECO计划必须由教师教育部门审查和批准, Dean’s Office, TPA Coordinator, and Credential Analyst.

    * University or District Internship credentials are not available to private school teachers. 有三年或三年以上私立学校教学经验的考生可直接申请 CA Commission on Teacher credentialing.

    School of Education

    2130 Fulton St.
    San Francisco, CA 94117

    8:30 a.m. – 5 p.m.